Preparing a Guesthouse, B&B, or Holiday Let for Professional Photography (download as .pdf)

Preparing a guesthouse, B&B, or holiday let for photography involves careful planning and attention to detail. During the consultations, one of the common questions I receive is, "Is there anything we should do ahead of the photography?" Therefore, I've compiled a guide outlining the best practices and recommendations to ensure your property is presented correctly for promotional images.

Be Ready!

Being ready isn't just about the day of the shoot. If you're a new business and these are your first promotional images, ensure your property is truly prepared for a photographer's visit. Making a good first impression is crucial; rushing into promotions before all finishing touches are in place can lead to additional photo shoots and increased costs.

Align with Your Marketing

Ensure your property's presentation aligns faithfully with your marketing plans. Whether you aim for a cosy coastal holiday let or another theme, review the furnishings and room contents to match your desired atmosphere. These images will represent your property for a long time, so it's essential they reflect your intended look and feel.

Clean and Declutter

Decluttering is key advice for preparing your property. Pay particular attention in B&Bs where daily living may lead to items being left out. Cables (charging plugs, light cables, TV cables) should be tidied or unplugged if visible. Cleaning is essential for chrome taps, metallic sinks, and internal glass like shower screens.

Celebrate Your Business’ Key Features

Highlight unique aspects of your business, such as architectural character, outdoor spaces, or special amenities like kitchen gardens or guest-use facilities. Ensure these features are ready and presented for photography.

Dress Rooms… but Don’t Over-Dress!

Furnish rooms to be inviting and reflective of your property's atmosphere. Consider adding flowers and soft furnishings to enhance appeal, but avoid overcrowding with personal items that can clutter the space.

Highlight Added Value Services

Inform us about any value-added services or complimentary items available to guests. Ensure displayed items are of high quality, as these photos will represent your offering long-term.

Outside Areas

Don't overlook outdoor spaces; tidy lawns, remove litter, and clean outdoor signage. Showcase any notable outdoor features or views that enhance the guest experience.

Be Aspirational

Highlight what sets your accommodation apart from others. Whether it's stunning countryside views, unique room features, or exceptional hospitality, aim to capture the essence that attracts guests to choose your property.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure your property is optimally presented for photography, helping to attract potential guests and showcase your accommodation effectively.